A skillful, attentive criminal defense attorney is always aware of the need to be ready to take a case to trial if necessary.
You may have been arrested under suspicion of a criminal matter - and you require immediate intervention. Frank Trotter, P.C., directly offers bail bond services. Many clients appreciate the opportunity to work with one law firm for bail bonding and criminal defense.
A criminal arrest is a serious life event. Your response to the challenge can make all the difference in the impact your criminal case will have on your freedom and your future. Criminal defense attorney Frank Trotter, P.C., offers front-line defense in the Wichita Falls, Texas, area. Clients of the firm have typically been charged with criminal offenses including domestic violence, drug possession, drunk driving and crimes common among college students.
If you are fortunate enough to have advance warning - before an arrest occurs - this is the best time to get a defense lawyer on your side.
Whatever the circumstances, an ounce of prevention is most definitely worth a pound of cure when it comes to criminal defense before an arrest occurs. For peace of mind and practical suggestions for staying out of legal trouble, contact an experienced defense lawyer.
Alternatively, you may already be on the other side, in need of a defense attorney. You may have been arrested under suspicion of a criminal matter - and you require immediate intervention. Frank Trotter, P.C., directly offers bail bond services. Many clients appreciate the opportunity to work with one law firm for bail bonding and criminal defense.
Schedule a consultation right away if you have been accused of, or arrested for, any criminal matter in or around Wichita Falls. Call 940-257-2594 or send an email to our law firm.
When you need assistance from an experienced attorney, contact the Frank D Trotter by calling 940-257-2594